What is the average monthly basic salary in Hungary?

What is the average monthly basic salary in Hungary?

The average actual income to workers is 700 – 800 USD/month (about 16.5 million – 19 million VND/month). Workers who do well and are highly productive can receive an actual salary of up to 1300 USD – 2500 USD/month.

There are companies that allow workers to work 12 hours/day, 30 days a month, 3 days a week working night shifts, then 3 days working day shifts. At this company, when there are many production orders, workers can receive up to 2500 USD, of course they have to accept working conditions commensurate with such a salary.

The cost of food is only about 100-150 USD/month, if you cook for yourself, you don’t waste money, don’t smoke or drink alcohol.

Some examples of jobs and salaries that DC Handel kft is currently recruiting for: Tailor & leather upholstery worker: (income from 16.5 million/month or more) in reality, there are many workers who do well with income from 23.5 – 28 million/month.
⚜️ Sushi cleaner and seller: (income from 15 million – 22.5 million/month)
⚜️ Mushroom picker: (income from 16 million – 35 million/month)
⚜️ Pig intestine cleaner: (income from 17 million/month or more)