ANNOUNCEMENT On the new Hungarian government bill regulating the granting and extension of residence permits for third-country nationals (Vietnamese workers)


  1. On the new draft law of the Hungarian government regulating the granting and extension of residence cards for workers who are citizens of third countries (Vietnamese workers)
  2. The temporary residence permit for workers in Hungary will be valid from 18 months to 24 months (2 years) and can only be extended once with a maximum extension period of 1 year. Thus, workers are only allowed to work and reside in Hungary for a maximum of 2 + 1 = 3 years.
  3. Workers cannot apply within Hungary to change to another purpose of residence. If they want to change the purpose of residence, they must apply at a consular office outside of Hungary.
  4. Workers cannot change to the purpose of residence for family reunification (for example: getting married, receiving a close relative who has Hungarian nationality, etc.).
  5. Workers are not allowed to apply for permanent residence.
  6. When extending a residence card, the worker is only allowed to reside until the maximum extension period or the time allowed by the decisions issued by the immigration office. This means that if the worker receives a decision rejecting the extension application, the extension of the appeal period through the first instance, appeal, first instance court, appeal court, supreme court, etc. will not be as before, when the deadline stated in the application (maximum 1 year) comes, he/she must return to the country.
  7. When the worker changes employers, the application for a change of residence card will be considered an extension of the card, which means that it is only valid for 1 year from the date of receiving the conversion card.
  8. The time limit for granting a residence card or extension is resolved within 60 days.
  9. When applying for a residence card, it is necessary to have the opinion of a specialized agency that allows the issuance of a work permit. In cases where it is not necessary to ask for the opinion of a specialized agency, it is necessary to have an academic or professional degree.
  10. Above are the basic contents related to Vietnamese workers in the new bill of the Hungarian state.