1/ “Guest worker” card (vendég munkás kártya): issued when applying for a direct visa without an interview (submit application, when the result is available, go to the Consulate to take fingerprints and take a photo, if you bring your plane ticket and insurance, you can receive your visa on the spot immediately).
– Workers will receive this type of card when applying for a visa through outsourcing companies that provide special labor leasing (minõsített munkaerő kölcsönző cég), or some special factories (for example, some Korean and Hungarian electronics assembly factories).
– Some characteristics:
a/ Valid for 2 years.
b/ Can be extended only once for a maximum of 1 year, then must reapply for a visa in Hungary WITHOUT having to return to Vietnam,
c/ Visa application time used to be fast (20 days – 40 days), now it is long (about 70-100 days). I don’t know if there will be any changes in the speed in the future.
d/ Cannot apply for a permanent residence green card, cannot be invited to family reunion.
2/ “Employee” card (foglalkoztatási kártya): issued when applying for a visa in the form of an interview (ask for an interview schedule, submit documents, go to the interview, take fingerprints and take a photo, when the results are available, bring the plane ticket and insurance to receive the visa).
– Workers will receive this type of card when applying for a visa to the companies and factories where they will actually work.
– Some features:
a/ Valid for 2 years.
b/ Can be extended multiple times without any limit on the number of extensions.
c/ Visa application time used to be long (70-150 days), now it is fast (about 30-50 days). I don’t know if there will be any changes in the speed in the future. d/ Cannot apply for a green card for permanent residence, cannot be invited to family reunion.
3/ “Hungary” card (Magyar kártya): issued to people with achievements in certain fields such as sports, culture, arts, research, filmmaking… or people with college or university degrees in certain professions that the Hungarian state is interested in supporting such as IT, electrical engineering…
People with this card can apply for a green card for permanent residence in Hungary after 3 years of residence (Magyar letelepedési kártya card), can be invited to family reunion.
4/ “EU Blue” card (EU Kék kártya): this card is NOT a green card for permanent residence, issued to people with college or university degrees in certain professions, with high salaries. The declared gross salary (before tax) depending on the profession is regulated to be at least 618,919 Ft to 773,649 Ft.
– People with this card can apply for a green card to settle in Hungary after 5 years of residence (EU card letelepedési kártya), can invite family reunification.
If you need more detailed information, please contact: domestic labor supply companies or groups and individuals who have cooperation contracts with DC Handel Kft.
DC Handel Kft only works with labor export companies or groups and individuals who have signed cooperation contracts with DC Handel Kft. We do not work directly with workers