What are the advantages and disadvantages of a direct visa without an interview and a traditional visa that requires an interview?


* Advantages:
a/ Simple visa application procedures.
b/ Previously, the visa application time was fast (about 20-40 days), but now it is slower (from 30-70 days).
c/ If you apply for a direct visa order from DC Handel Kft, you will be assigned a job quickly and flexibly when you arrive in Hungary.
d/ If the employee violates discipline or does not work as required during the probationary period (but tries to overcome the mistakes), there is still a chance that DC Handel Kft will immediately arrange a more suitable workplace for them without having to wait to apply for a new work permit (because the old work permit can still be used).
* Limitations:
a/ Can only change companies within the scope of issuing the “guest worker-vendég munkás” card (please see the previous article of Dc Handel Kft for more information on this “guest worker” concept).
b/ Currently, the visa application time is slower than the traditional visa application.

* Advantages:
a/ Currently, the visa application time is fast (from 30-40 days), previously it was slower (70-150 days).
b/ After working for a period of time (usually 3 months), the employee can apply to transfer to another company with the same type of card “employee-Foglalkoztatás” (please see the previous article of Dc Handel Kft for more information about this concept of “employee-Foglalkoztatás”) or can apply to transfer to a company with the type of card “guest worker-vendég munkás”.
* Limitations:
a/ If the employee does not meet the requirements for working during the 3-month probationary period, it is very difficult to apply to change companies, and it is usually not possible to transfer.
b/ During the period of changing companies without applying for a new work permit, the employee is not allowed to work (if working without a work permit and being caught, he or she can be deported, and the company will be severely fined).
c/ The transfer period is usually 30-60 days, which is quite a long time to wait.
DC Handel Kft with direct visa orders and traditional visa orders always ensures a wide range of options for Vietnamese workers.

If you need more information, please contact: domestic labor supply companies or individuals who have cooperation contracts with DC Handel KFT.

DC Handel Kft only works with domestic labor supply companies or individuals who have cooperation contracts with DC Handel KFT.