is a Hungarian enterprise specializing in:
DC Handel Kft seeks and hopes to cooperate with esteemed partners, including organizations, businesses, and individuals in Asian countries interested in the field of labor recruitment for work in Hungary and Europe, based on mutual sustainable development.
DC Handel Kft seeks and hopes to collaborate with business owners employing workers in Hungary and Europe, or outsourcing companies capable of directly facilitating visa approvals for Hungary and Europe, who are in need of recruiting workers from Vietnam and other Asian countries.
DC Handel Kft seeks and hopes to partner with organizations, businesses, and individuals in Vietnam interested in the field of studying abroad in Hungary and Europe.
DC Handel Kft seeks and hopes to collaborate with investors interested in investing in Hungary and Europe.
Best regards,
DC Handel Kft Company.
Becoming one of the leading investment companies in the fields of job placement, manpower supply, labor contracting, study abroad consulting, global trade connection consulting, restaurant business, construction services, and office & residential cleaning services. Job placement and manpower supply are the core business activities of DC Handel Kft.
Providing job opportunities for Vietnamese and other Asian workers to secure stable employment. Serving as a reliable and sustainable labor supplier for business owners in Hungary and Europe. Acting as a strong legal support system, ensuring the care and protection of workers. Assisting the host country's government in addressing employment issues and poverty reduction. Contributing to solving the labor shortage in Hungary and Europe. Offering Vietnamese youth new educational opportunities for a confident and stable future. Creating new investment opportunities in Hungary & Europe for Vietnamese investors. Contributing to the pension and social insurance funds of Hungary and the European community.
Building absolute trust from partners and associates, embodied in the belief: “Working with DC Handel, you will never face losses. Collaborating with DC Handel, your expectations will always be met.”