DC HANDEL KFT. COMPANY is recruiting laundry staff, dishwashers in restaurants, cleaning, cleaning Airbnb apartments, private apartments, restaurants, hotels.
– Students living and studying in Hungary;
– Vietnamese people living and working in Hungary, with green cards or brown cards;
– Vietnamese workers going to Hungary through labor leasing companies (outsourcing);
– Hungarians and foreigners living and working in Hungary, with green cards or brown cards
* Successful candidates will be trained according to a professional program right in Hungary. Then they will be trained and work practically according to the requirements of the orders.
Headquarters: Hungary, 2013 Pomáz, Panoráma út 7.
Office: Hungary, 1096 Budapest, Ernő utca 30-34, I. Emelet, 103.
Contact in Vietnamese or Hungarian: +3630 154 5579 | +3630 072 6889
Contact in English: +3630 354 7973
Email: info@dchandelkft.com | Email: info@dchandelvietnam.com