Information about Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE University)
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) was founded in 1635 in Budapest. It is one of the largest and most prestigious public higher education institutions in Hungary.
Sharing from international student NGUYEN PHAN DIEU LINH
NGUYEN PHAN DIEU LINH – a student at Budapest Business University (BBU), received the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship with the guidance and support of DC Handel Kft.
Information about Wesley János College of Ministry Training
The Wesley János College of Ministry Training was established in 1987 (abbreviated: WJLF or ‘Wesley’).
Information about the International Business School (IBS)
At IBS, you will graduate with a degree from the UK or Ireland in addition to the Hungarian degree awarded by IBS.
Information about István Széchenyi University
István Széchenyi University was established in 1968 and is located in Győr. The main campus of the University of Győr (Széchenyi István University) is situated on the banks of the Danube River.
Information about Sopron University
Sopron University continuously focuses on education and research, developing its strengths guided by the vision and traditions of the University of West Hungary and its predecessor, the Selmecbánya Academy.
Information about the University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Hungary (MATE)
MATE (University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Hungary) was established in 1797.
Information about Budapest Business University (BBU)
Budapest Business University (BBU) was established in 1857.
Information about Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Founded in 1782, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is proud to have four Nobel laureates and many renowned scientists. This prestigious institution is known as the most innovative university in Hungary.
Information about Semmelweis University
Semmelweis University is the oldest medical university in Hungary, established in 1769.